Eco-tours with your host Mandi

Trips can be tailor made and may include many activities from this list:

  • Hiking tours
  • Remote hot springs
  • Nisga’a lava bed tour
  • Bear viewing
  • Kayaking
  • Stand up paddle boarding
  • Downhill biking
  • Museum tours
  • Long house tours
  • Spa days
  • Spey casting lessons
  • Fly tying lessons
  • And much more!

View our Gallery for a sneak peek of the amazing sites you may encounter or visit the Terradise Eco-Tours website to learn more!

Price depends on how many days you would like and admission costs are yours to cover. Breakfast, lunch and dinner will be included in the cost.

Trips can be separate or included as part of a fishing adventure, such as families who book in the summer will book a 6 night 5 day adventure, fish 3 days and eco-tours for 2 days.

Contact us if you have any questions or book today!

Contact us to book a custom tour!



Fishing is our addiction. Guiding is our passion. Adventure is in our blood.