BC steelhead guides for Trophy Steelhead & Salmon on the world famous Skeena,Nass,Kitimat rivers
BC steelhead guides for Trophy Steelhead & Salmon on the world famous Skeena,Nass,Kitimat rivers. Hello all as we move closer to 2013 we are planning for another great salmon & steelhead season from our remote steelhead wall tent camps to world class Chinook salmon fishing on the Kitimat river,Cranberry river,Kiteen river,Bell Irving river,Kasiks river,Exchamsiks river […]
Canadian angling guides providing fishing adventures on remote rivers out of Terrace BC on the Nass,Kitimat,Skeena watersheds from wilderness camps to loding we can do it 16 years in the business of spey casting,flyfishing,float fishing
Canadian angling guides providing fishing adventures on remote rivers out of Terrace BC on the Nass,Kitimat,Skeena watersheds from wilderness camps to lodging, we can do it 16 years in the business of spey casting,flyfishing,float fishing & hooking you up. This was Greg and his first BC Steelhead on the fly nice job Greg we look […]