Kitlope Fishing Adventures

Kitlope river fishing adventures the Kitlope river is flowing into the Gardner channel through a protected eco preserve, this beautiful river system has been left untouched by logging / resource extraction. Westcoast Fishing Adventures has the parks use permit to operate within the BC Parks boundary’s. If you’re looking for a truly wild river adventure […]
Terrace British Columbia is the destination of choice for fishing enthusiasts wanting a wide variety of salmon and steelhead. Trophy Chinook (Kings), Coho (Silvers), Chum (Dog Salmon), Sockeye (Reds) and Pink Salmon along with Dolly Varden, Char and the best rainbow and cutthroat trout fishing that North America has to offer. Lets not forget that the Skeena region is home to the largest steelhead ever caught!
A Fishing Report With A Little Twist by Gill McKean Terrace British Columbia is the destination of choice for fishing enthusiasts wanting a wide variety of salmon and Steelhead. Trophy Chinook (Kings), Coho (Silvers), Chum (Dog Salmon), Sockeye (Reds) and Pink Salmon along with Dolly Varden, Char and the best rainbow and cutthroat trout […]