Guided Steelhead fishing on the Skeena river in Terrace BC
Guided Steelhead fishing on the Skeena River, is one of the best ways to spend your money. I am a guide and when I vacation, we hire local guides. Most guides have spent their entire life fishing and it turns it into a way of life. I for one, tell my guests from around the […]
Skeena River ,Nass River, Kitimat River Fishing Report for Feb 8 / 2014

Skeena river is now frozen over with thick ice over most of the river the Kitimat river is nothing more than a trickle of water & The Nass river is low frozen and clear for a change. We have been ice fishing on some area lakes with the family catching brook trout up to 3 […]
Skeena river fishing report Jan 20 / 2014 Steelhead winter run.

Skeena river fishing report Jan 20/2014 Steelhead winter run, most of the area rivers are back in shape after a hard rain fall & warm weather the rivers are coming back the winter run has been strong on the Kalum river as well as the lower copper and Lakelse river. The main stem Skeena river […]
Spring Steelhead & Hawaii Monster Bones.

Hello all! Been a bit since the last report, but its always nice to write about something that you love, so here it goes. Spring Steelhead & Hawaii bones on the fly, as we wait for winter to pass in Terrace BC, Mandi & myself have gone on an adventure in Hawaii with Captain Mike […]