Guided Steelhead fishing on the Skeena River, is one of the best ways to spend your money. I am a guide and when I vacation, we hire local guides. Most guides have spent their entire life fishing and it turns it into a way of life. I for one, tell my guests from around the world I have my Masters and Bachelors in Salmon & Steelhead fishing. For example, do you often perform a procedure on your knee or back with out a doctor? or maybe a breast implant? Exactly! I am the fish doctor. Not only do you get my expertise, you get the use of thousands of dollars in equipment that only a doctor could afford, or a guide that has devoted his whole life to fishing & learning the great outdoors.
Ok That said are you ready to book your trip yet?
Its March 7 2014, the count down till the spring Steelhead season begins! One of my personal favorites at the moment. The ice is 3 feet thick on the Skeena right now, and all other tributaries are completely frozen over and the Oolican run has begun? This has been a wild weather winter to say the least, with wind from the North for nearly 3 months leaving a normally rainy slushy snowy climate dry and cold with very little snow until today.
Our first guests show up at the end of March, for some Steelhead fishing on the Kitimat river targetting fresh Chrome Steelhead! We will be fly fishing & float fishing the prime water from the new 18 ft Clackacraft! This is a Cadillac of all boats! Our guests say the ride alone down the river is worth the price of admission! The Steelhead are the bonus 😀
If you are interested in booking your trip with a professional guide here are some available dates.
April – 1-5
May – 3-10
June – 8-14 & 24-30
July – 1-18
August – 1-14
Sept – 1-20
October – 13-31
Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions you may have about Terrace BC Skeena river, Kitimat river , Nass river Salmon & Steelhead guides 17 years and counting.
Tight Lines
Gill McKean – office 1-250-638-0021 or cell 250-615-3477
Mandi – 250-631-7804 or
Fishing is our Addiction!
Guiding is our Passion!
Adventure is in our Blood!

Photo from one of our Ice Fishing Adventures
Maci & Nigel in a deep conversation – so cute