Skeena river fishing report Jan 20/2014 Steelhead winter run, most of the area rivers are back in shape after a hard rain fall & warm weather the rivers are coming back the winter run has been strong on the Kalum river as well as the lower copper and Lakelse river. The main stem Skeena river fishing report Jan 20/2014 Steelhead winter run, most of the area rivers are back in shape after a hard rain fall & warm weather the rivers are coming back the winter run has been strong on the Kalum river as well as the lower copper and Lakelse river. The main stem Skeena can also fish very good at this time of the year we have been swinging flies there has also been good reports of float fishermen landing 7 to 8 steelhead per day from 14 to 20 pounds. If you would like info on our area please feel free to contact me at any time. We are now taking bookings for summer steelhead and salmon on the the Skeena, Kitimat rivers. On another note we had a great trip to Sacramento California meeting new customers and hooking up with our old friends. We had the opportunity to stop by the Drift boat shop in Oregon to fish the Clackamas river and pick up another new 18 ft Clackacraft this is by far the best drift boat money can buy. The service and product are second to none, even more exciting they have now built a true power paddle drift sled that we had the pleasure of running the very first one. Thats all for now Tight Lines Gill McKean Ph 1-250-638-0021